

GitHub Issues Cappuccino App: Desktop and Web

To showcase our new NativeHost technology, we’re proud to announce the brand new GitHub Issues App, written entirely in Cappuccino and available for both desktop and web:

The online version is running on Heroku’s Node.js beta at http://githubissues...


NativeHost: Run your Cappuccino applications on the desktop

Today we’re adding an exciting new open source component to the repertoire of Cappuccino tools. If you’ve checked out out any of the Atlas betas, you’re probably aware that they’re distributed as a desktop application. What you may not know is that...


Introducing the Atlas Plugin API and MapKit

We just shipped another update to the Atlas Beta today, and one of the coolest new features is the addition of a plugin API to allow you to create custom controls that you can use as easily as the ones you get by default. To kick this off we’ve provided...


Introducing Jake: A Build Tool for JavaScript

Now that we’ve shipped Cappuccino 0.8, I wanted to take some time to describe in more detail what might be one of the most exciting new features our users may not even notice: Jake. Jake is a new build tool built entirely in JavaScript that runs on...


Cappuccino 0.8 Tools

Cappuccino comes with a comprehensive set of tools for developing, debugging, optimizing, and deploying your Cappuccino applications. Those who have been following Cappuccino since the 0.7 release will notice some changes in the tools. The most important...


Cappuccino 0.8

Cappuccino 0.8 is now available on the downloads page. This release has a ton of new features and fixes, and I’d like to thank everyone in the community that meticulously checked their existing software against the Release Candidates in the last few...


Solving the JavaScript Memory Management Problem

JavaScript has some real problems. Anyone who has programmed for the web can attest to that. And anyone familiar with what we’re doing with Cappuccino will recognize that we’re not afraid to tackle those problems head on. When we created Objective...


New Cappuccino App: TimeTable

After many months of development Randy Luecke has finally released version 1.0 of his new Cappuccino project, TimeTable! We’re proud to share in the excitement as yet another Cappuccino application is made commercially available. TimeTable is an application...


Community Highlights: Using Cappuccino to build the MemoryMiner Web Viewer

We’re starting a new series here on the Cappuccino blog, featuring interesting posts by community members. The first such post is by John Fox, creator of MemoryMiner, a digital storytelling application for Mac OS X, now with a web viewer built with...


Randy Luecke Becomes a Committer

A little late to post this, but everyone in the Cappuccino has loved the work Randy (Me1000) has been doing on CPTableView. Thanks to his hard work and significant contributions, the table view component in Cappuccino is now a force to be reckoned...