
Articles tagged ""

CappCon 2011: Success!

The first ever Cappuccino conference was a massive success. CappCon 2011 had a diverse set of attendees from six different continents and included both speakers and sponsors from Pixar, Google, Sofa, Push Pop Press, Shopify, and many others. The overall...


Solving the JavaScript Memory Management Problem

JavaScript has some real problems. Anyone who has programmed for the web can attest to that. And anyone familiar with what we’re doing with Cappuccino will recognize that we’re not afraid to tackle those problems head on. When we created Objective...


Cappuccino 0.7 Now Available

We’re pleased to announce the immediate release of Cappuccino 0.7, the latest update to the Cappuccino web framework. This release has been five months in the making, and it marks a significant step forward for the project.

0.7 By The Numbers



Announcing Atlas

Over at 280 North, we announced our next product, called Atlas, at the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami this week.

Atlas is a visual development tool for creating web applications using the Cappuccino framework. The best way to explain Atlas...


Cappuccino Casts

Thomas Balthazar, who’s been doing the recent “This Week in Edge Cappuccino” series (read this week’s post), also started a new site to host screencasts of Cappuccino & Objective-J tutorials. So far he’s created a screencast for the starter tutorial


On Leaky Abstractions and Objective-J

In a recent post by John Resig, and in many of the comments, there seems to be the mistaken belief that Objective-J was designed to allow existing Objective-C programmers to write code that runs on the web. It’s been compared to GWT, where developers...


Synthesizing Accessor Methods

Yesterday, Francisco and Tom checked in a new feature to the Cappuccino git repository, called accessor synthesizing. This is a new language feature for Objective-J, and its designed to reduce the amount of boilerplate code developers have to write...


Cappuccino Tools: "objjc" and "steam"

Note: please check the tools page on the wiki for the latest information on Cappuccino’s tools.

In our previous post on the Cappuccino build tools we summarized the purpose of four of the tools. In this article we’ll dive deeper into two of them,...


The Cappuccino and Objective-J Build Tools

Note: please check the tools page on the wiki for the latest information on Cappuccino’s tools.

This article is a high level overview of the current Cappuccino and Objective-J build tools. Subsequent posts will cover each tool in more detail.
