
Articles tagged ""

Introducing Cappuccino-Project.org 2013

We’re extremely excited to today unveil the new Cappuccino project website. We’ve been hard at work with this site for quite a while now, and we think it represents a major step forward for Cappuccino as an open source project.


Cappuccino News

New features

  • Basic support has been added for NSDateFormatter in nib2cib. (Alexander Ljungberg)

  • Lazy support for bytes() and base64() added to CFData, +dataWithBytes and +dataWithBase64 methods added to CPData. (cacaodev)

  • capp_lint has been added...


Cappuccino News

If you have news about new projects in which Cappuccino is being used — internal or external — be sure to let everyone know!

Please pay special attention to the Fixes & Changes section, there may be changes that will affect your code.

New Features


Cappuccino News

What’s new in Cappuccino in the past two weeks:

  • Some major new features have been added to nib2cib:

    • nib2cib now supports User Defined Runtime Attributes in Interface Builder.
    • nib2cib now supports userland NS classes. This is a huge new feature...


Cappuccino 0.9.5

Today we are extremely excited to announce Cappuccino 0.9.5, featuring over 90 new features and improvements in addition to numerous bug fixes. Here are some of the new features we think you’ll really like.

Modern scrollbars

Cappuccino now features...


CappCon Tickets Now Available!

CappCon 2011 is shaping up nicely with some great speakers including legendary indie developer Wolf Rentzsch, Pete LePage from Google, Jorn van Dijk of Sofa, and of course many others.

Tickets for CappCon are now available along with more details...


GitHub Issues Update

Three months ago we were thrilled to announce the introduction of our front end to GitHub Issues. Since then we have worked on specific bugs in the applications and added small features here and there.

Today we are excited to announce the first major...


Cappuccino 0.8

Cappuccino 0.8 is now available on the downloads page. This release has a ton of new features and fixes, and I’d like to thank everyone in the community that meticulously checked their existing software against the Release Candidates in the last few...


Cappuccino version 0.5.5 released

I’m pleased to announce the release of the second update to Cappuccino since it was made available last month, version 0.5.5.

Even more exciting is the fact that this release includes our first user contributions. We’re glad these individuals were...