Our very own Francisco Tolmasky is speaking at the upcoming AJAX Experience conference on September 30th in Boston.
Francisco will be presenting a brief overview of Cappuccino during a 5 minute lightning talk (11:05-11:10 am), as well as a full length presentation called “The Road to Cappuccino” (1:05-2:05 pm), which will provide a more in depth overview of the technologies, as well as a history and rationale of the development of Cappuccino.
The Road to Cappuccino
with Francisco Tolmasky, Co-Founder, 280 North; Creator, Objective-J programming language
This session explores the story behind the development of the Objective-J language and Cappuccino frameworks. This will not only serve as an introduction to building Cappuccino applications, but also shed some light on why this particular course was chosen when developing these technologies. Francisco discusses the future of the open source project and the next steps being taken with Objective-J and Cappuccino.
with Francisco Tolmasky, Co-Founder, 280 North; Objective-J programming language
This lightening round introduces Cappuccino and Objective-J and the road to going open source. Cappuccino was implemented using a new programming language called Objective-J, which is modeled after Objective-C and built entirely on top of JavaScript. Programs written in Objective-J are interpreted in the client, so no compilation or plug-ins are required. Hear from Francisco Tolmasky, creator of the Objective-J language.
If you’re at AJAX Experience, be sure to check out these talks, and introduce yourself to Francisco! (don’t worry, he doesn’t bite, usually)