API  1.0.0
CPCheckBox Class Reference

#import <CPCheckBox.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPCheckBox:

Instance Methods

(CPImage- alternateImage
(CPImage- image
(id) - initWithFrame:
(void) - setValue:forThemeAttribute:
(BOOL) - startTrackingAt:
(void) - takeStateFromKeyPath:ofObjects:
(void) - takeValueFromKeyPath:ofObjects:
- Instance Methods inherited from CPButton
(BOOL) - allowsMixedState
(CPString- alternateTitle
(CGRect) - bezelRectForBounds:
(unsigned) - bezelStyle
(CGRect) - contentRectForBounds:
(CPView- createEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(CPInteger) - highlightsBy
(BOOL) - imageDimsWhenDisabled
(float) - imageOffset
(id) - initWithCoder:
(void) - invalidateTimers
(BOOL) - isBordered
(CPString- keyEquivalent
(unsigned) - keyEquivalentModifierMask
(void) - layoutSubviews
(void) - mouseDown:
(CPInteger) - nextState
(void) - onContinousEvent:
(void) - performClick:
(BOOL) - performKeyEquivalent:
(CGRect) - rectForEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - setAllowsMixedState:
(void) - setAlternateImage:
(void) - setAlternateTitle:
(void) - setBezelStyle:
(void) - setBordered:
(void) - setButtonType:
(void) - setControlSize:
(void) - setHighlightsBy:
(void) - setImage:
(void) - setImageDimsWhenDisabled:
(void) - setImageOffset:
(void) - setKeyEquivalent:
(void) - setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:
(void) - setNextState
(void) - setObjectValue:
(void) - setPeriodicDelay:interval:
(void) - setShowsStateBy:
(void) - setState:
(void) - setTitle:
(CPInteger) - showsStateBy
(void) - sizeToFit
(CPInteger) - state
(void) - stopTracking:at:mouseIsUp:
(CPString- title
(void) - viewWillMoveToWindow:
- Instance Methods inherited from CPControl
(BOOL) - acceptsFirstMouse:
(SEL) - action
(CPTextAlignment) - alignment
(CPWritingDirection) - baseWritingDirection
(BOOL) - continueTracking:at:
(CPControlSize) - controlSize
(double) - doubleValue
(float) - floatValue
(CPFont- font
(CPFormatter- formatter
(void) - highlight:
(CPCellImagePosition) - imagePosition
(CPUInteger) - imageScaling
(int) - integerValue
(int) - intValue
(BOOL) - isContinuous
(BOOL) - isEnabled
(BOOL) - isHighlighted
(CPLineBreakMode) - lineBreakMode
(unsigned) - mouseDownFlags
(void) - mouseEntered:
(void) - mouseExited:
(id) - objectValue
(BOOL) - sendAction:to:
(int) - sendActionOn:
(BOOL) - sendsActionOnEndEditing
(void) - setAction:
(void) - setAlignment:
(void) - setBaseWritingDirection:
(void) - setContinuous:
(void) - setDoubleValue:
(void) - setEnabled:
(void) - setFloatValue:
(void) - setFont:
(void) - setFormatter:
(void) - setHighlighted:
(void) - setImagePosition:
(void) - setImageScaling:
(void) - setIntegerValue:
(void) - setIntValue:
(void) - setLineBreakMode:
(void) - setSendsActionOnEndEditing:
(void) - setStringValue:
(void) - setTarget:
(void) - setTextColor:
(void) - setTextShadowColor:
(void) - setTextShadowOffset:
(void) - setVerticalAlignment:
(CPString- stringValue
(void) - takeDoubleValueFrom:
(void) - takeFloatValueFrom:
(void) - takeIntegerValueFrom:
(void) - takeIntValueFrom:
(void) - takeObjectValueFrom:
(void) - takeStringValueFrom:
(id) - target
(CPColor- textColor
(void) - textDidBeginEditing:
(void) - textDidChange:
(void) - textDidEndEditing:
(CPColor- textShadowColor
(CGSize) - textShadowOffset
(void) - trackMouse:
(BOOL) - tracksMouseOutsideOfFrame
(void) - unhighlightButtonTimerDidFinish:
(void) - updateTrackingAreas
(CPTextVerticalAlignment) - verticalAlignment
- Instance Methods inherited from CPView
(void) - addSubview:
(void) - addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:
(void) - addTrackingArea:
(CGRect) - adjustScroll:
(float) - alphaValue
(CAAnimation- animationForKey:
(CPDictionary- animations
(id) - animator
(BOOL) - autoresizesSubviews
(unsigned) - autoresizingMask
(BOOL) - autoscroll:
(CPColor- backgroundColor
(BOOL) - becomeFirstResponder
(CGRect) - bounds
(CGPoint) - boundsOrigin
(CGSize) - boundsSize
(BOOL) - canBecomeKeyView
(CGPoint) - center
(BOOL) - clipsToBounds
(CGPoint) - convertPoint:fromView:
(CGPoint) - convertPoint:toView:
(CGPoint) - convertPointFromBase:
(CGPoint) - convertPointToBase:
(CGRect) - convertRect:fromView:
(CGRect) - convertRect:toView:
(CGRect) - convertRectFromBase:
(CGRect) - convertRectToBase:
(CGSize) - convertSize:fromView:
(CGSize) - convertSize:toView:
(CPString- debug_description
(void) - didAddSubview:
(void) - display
(void) - displayIfNeeded
(void) - displayIfNeededInRect:
(void) - displayRect:
(void) - displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:
(void) - dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - dragView:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - drawRect:
(CPAppearance- effectiveAppearance
(CPMenuItem- enclosingMenuItem
(CPScrollView- enclosingScrollView
(BOOL) - enterFullScreenMode
(BOOL) - enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:
(CPView- ephemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - exitFullScreenMode
(void) - exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:
(CGRect) - frame
(CGPoint) - frameOrigin
(CGRect) - frameRectOfView:inSuperviewSize:
(CGSize) - frameSize
(CGRect) - frameWithNewSuperviewSize:
(BOOL) - hasCustomDrawRect
(BOOL) - hasCustomLayoutSubviews
(CPView- hitTest:
(BOOL) - hitTests
(id) - init
(BOOL) - inLiveResize
(BOOL) - isDescendantOf:
(BOOL) - isFlipped
(BOOL) - isHidden
(BOOL) - isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor
(BOOL) - isInFullScreenMode
(BOOL) - isOpaque
(CALayer- layer
(void) - layout
(CPView- layoutEphemeralSubviewNamed:positioned:relativeToEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - layoutIfNeeded
(void) - lockFocus
(CPMenu- menuForEvent:
(BOOL) - mouseDownCanMoveWindow
(BOOL) - needsDisplay
(BOOL) - needsLayout
(BOOL) - needsPanelToBecomeKey
(CPView- nextKeyView
(CPView- nextValidKeyView
(void) - objectDidChangeTheme
(BOOL) - postsBoundsChangedNotifications
(BOOL) - postsFrameChangedNotifications
(CPView- previousKeyView
(CPView- previousValidKeyView
(void) - reflectScrolledClipView:
(CPArray) - registeredDraggedTypes
(void) - registerForDraggedTypes:
(void) - removeFromSuperview
(void) - removeTrackingArea:
(void) - replaceSubview:with:
(BOOL) - resignFirstResponder
(void) - resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:
(void) - resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:
(void) - rightMouseDown:
(CGSize) - scaleSize
(void) - scaleUnitSquareToSize:
(void) - scrollClipView:toPoint:
(void) - scrollPoint:
(void) - scrollRect:by:
(BOOL) - scrollRectToVisible:
(void) - setAlphaValue:
(void) - setAnimations:
(void) - setAppearance:
(void) - setAutoresizesSubviews:
(void) - setAutoresizingMask:
(void) - setBackgroundColor:
(void) - setBounds:
(void) - setBoundsOrigin:
(void) - setBoundsSize:
(void) - setCenter:
(void) - setClipsToBounds:
(void) - setDOMClassName:
(void) - setFrame:
(void) - setFrameOrigin:
(void) - setFrameSize:
(void) - setHidden:
(void) - setHitTests:
(void) - setLayer:
(void) - setNeedsDisplay:
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRect:
(void) - setNeedsLayout
(void) - setNeedsLayout:
(void) - setNextKeyView:
(void) - setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:
(void) - setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:
(void) - setScaleSize:
(void) - setSubviews:
(void) - setTag:
(void) - setThemeClass:
(BOOL) - setThemeState:
(void) - setToolTip:
(void) - setValue:forThemeAttribute:inState:
(void) - setWantsLayer:
(CPArray) - subviews
(CPView- superview
(CPInteger) - tag
(void) - unlockFocus
(void) - unregisterDraggedTypes
(BOOL) - unsetThemeState:
(void) - viewDidEndLiveResize
(void) - viewDidHide
(void) - viewDidLayout
(void) - viewDidMoveToSuperview
(void) - viewDidMoveToWindow
(void) - viewDidUnhide
(void) - viewWillDraw
(void) - viewWillLayout
(void) - viewWillMoveToSuperview:
(void) - viewWillStartLiveResize
(CPView- viewWithTag:
(CGRect) - visibleRect
(BOOL) - wantsLayer
(void) - willRemoveSubview:
(CPWindow- window

Class Methods

(id) + checkBoxWithTitle:
(id) + checkBoxWithTitle:theme:
(CPString+ defaultThemeClass
- Class Methods inherited from CPButton
(id) + buttonWithTitle:
(id) + buttonWithTitle:theme:
(CPDictionary+ themeAttributes
- Class Methods inherited from CPControl
(void) + initialize
- Class Methods inherited from CPView
(Class) + animatorClass
(CAAnimation+ defaultAnimationForKey:
(CPMenu+ defaultMenu
(BOOL) + isHighDPIDrawingEnabled
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingBounds
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingFrame
(void) + setHighDPIDrawingEnabled:

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2 of file CPCheckBox.h.

Method Documentation

◆ alternateImage()

- (CPImage) alternateImage

Returns the image used when the button is in an alternate state.

Reimplemented from CPButton.

Definition at line 101 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ checkBoxWithTitle:()

+ (id) checkBoxWithTitle: (CPString aTitle

Definition at line 36 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ checkBoxWithTitle:theme:()

+ (id) checkBoxWithTitle: (CPString aTitle
theme: (CPTheme aTheme 

Definition at line 31 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ defaultThemeClass()

+ (CPString) defaultThemeClass

Reimplemented from CPButton.

Definition at line 41 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ image()

- (CPImage) image

Reimplemented from CPButton.

Definition at line 96 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ initWithFrame:()

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  aFrame

Initializes and returns a newly allocated CPButton object with a specified frame rectangle.

aFrameThe frame rectangle for the created button object.
An initialized CPView object or nil if the object couldn't be created.

Reimplemented from CPButton.

Definition at line 54 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ setValue:forThemeAttribute:()

- (void) setValue: (id)  aValue
forThemeAttribute: (CPString aName 

Reimplemented from CPView.

Provided by category CPCheckBox(TableDataView).

Definition at line 175 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ startTrackingAt:()

- (BOOL) startTrackingAt: (CGPoint)  aPoint

Reimplemented from CPButton.

Definition at line 106 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ takeStateFromKeyPath:ofObjects:()

- (void) takeStateFromKeyPath: (CPString aKeyPath
ofObjects: (CPArray)  objects 

Definition at line 73 of file CPCheckBox.j.

◆ takeValueFromKeyPath:ofObjects:()

- (void) takeValueFromKeyPath: (CPString aKeyPath
ofObjects: (CPArray)  objects 

Definition at line 91 of file CPCheckBox.j.

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