API  1.0.0
CPPredicateEditor Class Reference

#import <CPPredicateEditor.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPPredicateEditor:

Instance Methods

(CPArray) - rowTemplates
 CPPredicateEditor is a subclass of CPRuleEditor that is specialized for editing CPPredicate objects. More...
(void) - setRowTemplates:
 Sets the row templates for the receiver. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from CPRuleEditor
(id) - delegate
 Returns the receiver’s delegate. More...
(void) - setDelegate:
 Sets the receiver’s delegate. More...
(BOOL) - isEditable
 Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is editable. More...
(void) - setEditable:
 Sets whether the receiver is editable. More...
(CPRuleEditorNestingMode) - nestingMode
 Returns the nesting mode for the receiver. More...
(void) - setNestingMode:
 Sets the nesting mode for the receiver. More...
(BOOL) - canRemoveAllRows
 Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether all the rows can be removed. More...
(void) - setCanRemoveAllRows:
 Sets whether all the rows can be removed. More...
(BOOL) - allowsEmptyCompoundRows
 Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether compounds rows can be childless. More...
(void) - setAllowsEmptyCompoundRows:
 Sets whether compounds rows can be childless. More...
(CPInteger) - rowHeight
 Returns the row height for the receiver. More...
(void) - setRowHeight:
 Sets the row height for the receiver. More...
(CPDictionary- formattingDictionary
 Returns the formatting dictionary for the receiver. More...
(void) - setFormattingDictionary:
 Sets the formatting dictionary for the receiver. More...
(CPString- formattingStringsFilename
 Returns the name of the strings file for the receiver. More...
(void) - setFormattingStringsFilename:
 Sets the name of the strings file used for formatting. More...
(void) - reloadCriteria
 Instructs the receiver to refetch criteria from its delegate. You can use this method to indicate that the available criteria may have changed and should be refetched from the delegate and the popups recalculated. More...
(void) - setCriteria:andDisplayValues:forRowAtIndex:
 Modifies the row at a given index to contain the given items and values. More...
(id) - criteriaForRow:
 Returns the currently chosen items for a given row. More...
(CPMutableArray- displayValuesForRow:
 Returns the chosen values for a given row. More...
(int) - numberOfRows
 Returns the number of rows in the receiver. More...
(int) - parentRowForRow:
 Returns the index of the parent of a given row. More...
(CPRuleEditorRowType) - rowTypeForRow:
 Returns the type of a given row. More...
(CPIndexSet- subrowIndexesForRow:
 Returns the immediate subrows of a given row. More...
(CPIndexSet- selectedRowIndexes
 Returns the indexes of the receiver’s selected rows. More...
(void) - selectRowIndexes:byExtendingSelection:
 Sets in the receiver the indexes of rows that are selected. More...
(void) - addRow:
 Adds a row to the receiver. More...
(void) - insertRowAtIndex:withType:asSubrowOfRow:animate:
 Adds a new row of a given type at a given location. More...
(void) - removeRowAtIndex:
 Removes the row at a given index. More...
(void) - removeRowsAtIndexes:includeSubrows:
 Removes the rows at a given index. More...
(CPPredicate) - predicate
 Returns the predicate for the receiver. More...
(void) - reloadPredicate
 Instructs the receiver to regenerate its predicate by invoking the corresponding delegate method. You typically invoke this method because something has changed (for example, a view's value). More...
(CPPredicate) - predicateForRow:
 Returns the predicate for a given row. More...
(Class) - rowClass
 Returns the class used to create a new row in the “rows” binding. More...
(void) - setRowClass:
 Sets the class to use to create a new row in the "rows” binding. More...
(CPString- rowTypeKeyPath
 Returns the key path for the row type. More...
(void) - setRowTypeKeyPath:
 Sets the key path for the row type. More...
(CPString- subrowsKeyPath
 Returns the key path for the subrows. More...
(void) - setSubrowsKeyPath:
 Sets the key path for the subrows. More...
(CPString- criteriaKeyPath
 Returns the criteria key path. More...
(void) - setCriteriaKeyPath:
 Sets the key path for the criteria. More...
(CPString- displayValuesKeyPath
 Returns the display values key path. More...
(void) - setDisplayValuesKeyPath:
 Sets the key path for the display values. More...
(id) - animation
 Returns the current animation for the receiver. More...
(void) - setAnimation:
 Sets the current animation for the receiver. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from CPControl
(BOOL) - acceptsFirstMouse:
(SEL) - action
(CPTextAlignment) - alignment
(CPWritingDirection) - baseWritingDirection
(BOOL) - continueTracking:at:
(CPControlSize) - controlSize
(double) - doubleValue
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(float) - floatValue
(CPFont- font
(CPFormatter- formatter
(void) - highlight:
(CPCellImagePosition) - imagePosition
(CPUInteger) - imageScaling
(id) - initWithCoder:
(id) - initWithFrame:
(int) - integerValue
(int) - intValue
(BOOL) - isContinuous
(BOOL) - isEnabled
(BOOL) - isHighlighted
(CPLineBreakMode) - lineBreakMode
(void) - mouseDown:
(unsigned) - mouseDownFlags
(void) - mouseEntered:
(void) - mouseExited:
(CPInteger) - nextState
(id) - objectValue
(void) - performClick:
(BOOL) - sendAction:to:
(int) - sendActionOn:
(BOOL) - sendsActionOnEndEditing
(void) - setAction:
(void) - setAlignment:
(void) - setBaseWritingDirection:
(void) - setContinuous:
(void) - setControlSize:
(void) - setDoubleValue:
(void) - setEnabled:
(void) - setFloatValue:
(void) - setFont:
(void) - setFormatter:
(void) - setHighlighted:
(void) - setImagePosition:
(void) - setImageScaling:
(void) - setIntegerValue:
(void) - setIntValue:
(void) - setLineBreakMode:
(void) - setObjectValue:
(void) - setSendsActionOnEndEditing:
(void) - setState:
(void) - setStringValue:
(void) - setTarget:
(void) - setTextColor:
(void) - setTextShadowColor:
(void) - setTextShadowOffset:
(void) - setVerticalAlignment:
(BOOL) - startTrackingAt:
(void) - stopTracking:at:mouseIsUp:
(CPString- stringValue
(void) - takeDoubleValueFrom:
(void) - takeFloatValueFrom:
(void) - takeIntegerValueFrom:
(void) - takeIntValueFrom:
(void) - takeObjectValueFrom:
(void) - takeStringValueFrom:
(id) - target
(CPColor- textColor
(void) - textDidBeginEditing:
(void) - textDidChange:
(void) - textDidEndEditing:
(CPColor- textShadowColor
(CGSize) - textShadowOffset
(void) - trackMouse:
(BOOL) - tracksMouseOutsideOfFrame
(void) - unhighlightButtonTimerDidFinish:
(void) - updateTrackingAreas
(CPTextVerticalAlignment) - verticalAlignment
- Instance Methods inherited from CPView
(void) - addSubview:
(void) - addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:
(void) - addTrackingArea:
(CGRect) - adjustScroll:
(float) - alphaValue
(CAAnimation- animationForKey:
(CPDictionary- animations
(id) - animator
(BOOL) - autoresizesSubviews
(unsigned) - autoresizingMask
(BOOL) - autoscroll:
(CPColor- backgroundColor
(BOOL) - becomeFirstResponder
(CGRect) - bounds
(CGPoint) - boundsOrigin
(CGSize) - boundsSize
(BOOL) - canBecomeKeyView
(CGPoint) - center
(BOOL) - clipsToBounds
(CGPoint) - convertPoint:fromView:
(CGPoint) - convertPoint:toView:
(CGPoint) - convertPointFromBase:
(CGPoint) - convertPointToBase:
(CGRect) - convertRect:fromView:
(CGRect) - convertRect:toView:
(CGRect) - convertRectFromBase:
(CGRect) - convertRectToBase:
(CGSize) - convertSize:fromView:
(CGSize) - convertSize:toView:
(CPView- createEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(CPString- debug_description
(void) - didAddSubview:
(void) - display
(void) - displayIfNeeded
(void) - displayIfNeededInRect:
(void) - displayRect:
(void) - displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:
(void) - dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - dragView:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - drawRect:
(CPAppearance- effectiveAppearance
(CPMenuItem- enclosingMenuItem
(CPScrollView- enclosingScrollView
(BOOL) - enterFullScreenMode
(BOOL) - enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:
(CPView- ephemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - exitFullScreenMode
(void) - exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:
(CGRect) - frame
(CGPoint) - frameOrigin
(CGRect) - frameRectOfView:inSuperviewSize:
(CGSize) - frameSize
(CGRect) - frameWithNewSuperviewSize:
(BOOL) - hasCustomDrawRect
(BOOL) - hasCustomLayoutSubviews
(CPView- hitTest:
(BOOL) - hitTests
(id) - init
(BOOL) - inLiveResize
(BOOL) - isDescendantOf:
(BOOL) - isFlipped
(BOOL) - isHidden
(BOOL) - isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor
(BOOL) - isInFullScreenMode
(BOOL) - isOpaque
(CALayer- layer
(void) - layout
(CPView- layoutEphemeralSubviewNamed:positioned:relativeToEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - layoutIfNeeded
(void) - layoutSubviews
(void) - lockFocus
(CPMenu- menuForEvent:
(BOOL) - mouseDownCanMoveWindow
(BOOL) - needsDisplay
(BOOL) - needsLayout
(BOOL) - needsPanelToBecomeKey
(CPView- nextKeyView
(CPView- nextValidKeyView
(void) - objectDidChangeTheme
(BOOL) - performKeyEquivalent:
(BOOL) - postsBoundsChangedNotifications
(BOOL) - postsFrameChangedNotifications
(CPView- previousKeyView
(CPView- previousValidKeyView
(CGRect) - rectForEphemeralSubviewNamed:
(void) - reflectScrolledClipView:
(CPArray) - registeredDraggedTypes
(void) - registerForDraggedTypes:
(void) - removeFromSuperview
(void) - removeTrackingArea:
(void) - replaceSubview:with:
(BOOL) - resignFirstResponder
(void) - resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:
(void) - resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:
(void) - rightMouseDown:
(CGSize) - scaleSize
(void) - scaleUnitSquareToSize:
(void) - scrollClipView:toPoint:
(void) - scrollPoint:
(void) - scrollRect:by:
(BOOL) - scrollRectToVisible:
(void) - setAlphaValue:
(void) - setAnimations:
(void) - setAppearance:
(void) - setAutoresizesSubviews:
(void) - setAutoresizingMask:
(void) - setBackgroundColor:
(void) - setBounds:
(void) - setBoundsOrigin:
(void) - setBoundsSize:
(void) - setCenter:
(void) - setClipsToBounds:
(void) - setDOMClassName:
(void) - setFrame:
(void) - setFrameOrigin:
(void) - setFrameSize:
(void) - setHidden:
(void) - setHitTests:
(void) - setLayer:
(void) - setNeedsDisplay:
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRect:
(void) - setNeedsLayout
(void) - setNeedsLayout:
(void) - setNextKeyView:
(void) - setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:
(void) - setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:
(void) - setScaleSize:
(void) - setSubviews:
(void) - setTag:
(void) - setThemeClass:
(BOOL) - setThemeState:
(void) - setToolTip:
(void) - setValue:forThemeAttribute:
(void) - setValue:forThemeAttribute:inState:
(void) - setWantsLayer:
(CPArray) - subviews
(CPView- superview
(CPInteger) - tag
(void) - unlockFocus
(void) - unregisterDraggedTypes
(BOOL) - unsetThemeState:
(void) - viewDidEndLiveResize
(void) - viewDidHide
(void) - viewDidLayout
(void) - viewDidMoveToSuperview
(void) - viewDidMoveToWindow
(void) - viewDidUnhide
(void) - viewWillDraw
(void) - viewWillLayout
(void) - viewWillMoveToSuperview:
(void) - viewWillMoveToWindow:
(void) - viewWillStartLiveResize
(CPView- viewWithTag:
(CGRect) - visibleRect
(BOOL) - wantsLayer
(void) - willRemoveSubview:
(CPWindow- window

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from CPControl
(void) + initialize
(CPDictionary+ themeAttributes
- Class Methods inherited from CPView
(Class) + animatorClass
(CAAnimation+ defaultAnimationForKey:
(CPMenu+ defaultMenu
(CPString+ defaultThemeClass
(BOOL) + isHighDPIDrawingEnabled
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingBounds
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingFrame
(void) + setHighDPIDrawingEnabled:

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2 of file CPPredicateEditor.h.

Method Documentation

◆ rowTemplates()

- (CPArray) rowTemplates

CPPredicateEditor is a subclass of CPRuleEditor that is specialized for editing CPPredicate objects.

CPPredicateEditor provides a CPPredicate property—objectValue (inherited from CPControl)—that you can get and set directly, and that you can bind using bindings (you typically configure a predicate editor in Interface Builder). CPPredicateEditor depends on another class, CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate, that describes the available predicates and how to display them.

Unlike CPRuleEditor, CPPredicateEditor does not depend on its delegate to populate its rows (and does not call the populating delegate methods). Instead, its rows are populated from its objectValue property (an instance of CPPredicate). CPPredicateEditor relies on instances CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate, which are responsible for mapping back and forth between the displayed view values and various predicates.

CPPredicateEditor exposes one property, rowTemplates, which is an array of CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate objects.

Returns the row templates for the receiver.

The row templates for the receiver. Until otherwise set, this contains a single compound CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate object.
See also
- setRowTemplates:

Definition at line 52 of file CPPredicateEditor.j.

◆ setRowTemplates:()

- (void) setRowTemplates: (id)  rowTemplates

Sets the row templates for the receiver.

rowTemplatesAn array of CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate objects.
See also
- rowTemplates

Definition at line 62 of file CPPredicateEditor.j.

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