API  1.0.0
CPColorPanel Class Reference

#import <CPColorPanel.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPColorPanel:

Instance Methods

(selector) - action
(CPColor- color
(id) - init
(CPColorPanelMode) - mode
(float) - opacity
(void) - orderFront:
(void) - setAction:
(void) - setColor:
(void) - setColor:updatePicker:
(void) - setMode:
(void) - setOpacity:
(void) - setTarget:
(id) - target
- Instance Methods inherited from CPPanel
(BOOL) - becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded
(BOOL) - canBecomeKeyWindow
(BOOL) - canBecomeMainWindow
(void) - cancel:
(void) - cancelOperation:
(BOOL) - isFloatingPanel
(void) - setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:
(void) - setFloatingPanel:
(void) - setWorksWhenModal:
(BOOL) - worksWhenModal
- Instance Methods inherited from CPWindow
(BOOL) - acceptsFirstResponder
(BOOL) - acceptsMouseMovedEvents
(void) - addChildWindow:ordered:
(float) - alphaValue
(void) - animationDidEnd:
(CPTimeInterval) - animationResizeTime:
(CPWindow- attachedSheet
(BOOL) - autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop
(unsigned) - autoresizingMask
(void) - awakeFromCib
(CPColor- backgroundColor
(void) - becomeKeyWindow
(void) - becomeMainWindow
(void) - center
(CPArray) - childWindows
(void) - close
(BOOL) - containsPoint:
(CGRect) - contentRectForFrameRect:
(CPView- contentView
(CGPoint) - convertBaseToBridge:
(CGPoint) - convertBaseToGlobal:
(CGPoint) - convertBaseToPlatformWindow:
(CGPoint) - convertBaseToScreen:
(CGPoint) - convertBridgeToBase:
(CGPoint) - convertGlobalToBase:
(CGPoint) - convertPlatformWindowToBase:
(CGPoint) - convertScreenToBase:
(CPButton- defaultButton
(CPButton- defaultButtonCell
(id) - delegate
(void) - deminiaturize:
(void) - disableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButton
(void) - disableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell
(void) - doCommandBySelector:
(void) - dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - dragView:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:
(void) - enableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButton
(void) - enableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell
(CPResponder- firstResponder
(CGRect) - frame
(CGRect) - frameRectForContentRect:
(BOOL) - hasShadow
(BOOL) - ignoresMouseEvents
(CPView- initialFirstResponder
(id) - initWithContentRect:styleMask:
(BOOL) - isDocumentEdited
(BOOL) - isDocumentSaving
(BOOL) - isFullBridge
(BOOL) - isFullPlatformWindow
(BOOL) - isKeyWindow
(BOOL) - isMainWindow
(void) - isMiniaturized
(void) - isMovable
(BOOL) - isMovableByWindowBackground
(BOOL) - isSheet
(BOOL) - isVisible
(void) - keyDown:
(int) - level
(BOOL) - makeFirstResponder:
(void) - makeKeyAndOrderFront:
(void) - makeKeyWindow
(void) - makeMainWindow
(CGSize) - maxSize
(void) - miniaturize:
(CGSize) - minSize
(void) - orderBack:
(void) - orderOut:
(void) - orderWindow:relativeTo:
(CPWindow- parentWindow
(void) - performClose:
(BOOL) - performKeyEquivalent:
(void) - performMiniaturize:
(CPPlatformWindow- platformWindow
(void) - recalculateKeyViewLoop
(void) - redo:
(CPArray) - registeredDraggedTypes
(void) - registerForDraggedTypes:
(void) - removeChildWindow:
(CPString- representedFilename
(CPURL- representedURL
(void) - resignKeyWindow
(void) - resignMainWindow
(CGSize) - resizeIndicatorOffset
(void) - resizeWithOldPlatformWindowSize:
(CPScreen- screen
(void) - selectKeyViewFollowingView:
(void) - selectKeyViewPrecedingView:
(void) - selectNextKeyView:
(void) - selectPreviousKeyView:
(void) - sendEvent:
(void) - setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:
(void) - setAlphaValue:
(void) - setAutorecalculatesKeyViewLoop:
(void) - setAutoresizingMask:
(void) - setBackgroundColor:
(void) - setContentView:
(void) - setDefaultButton:
(void) - setDefaultButtonCell:
(void) - setDelegate:
(void) - setDocumentEdited:
(void) - setDocumentSaving:
(void) - setFrame:
(void) - setFrame:display:
(void) - setFrame:display:animate:
(void) - setFrameOrigin:
(void) - setFrameSize:
(void) - setFullBridge:
(void) - setFullPlatformWindow:
(void) - setHasShadow:
(void) - setIgnoresMouseEvents:
(void) - setInitialFirstResponder:
(void) - setLevel:
(void) - setMaxSize:
(void) - setMinSize:
(void) - setMovable:
(void) - setMovableByWindowBackground:
(CPWindow- setParentWindow:
(void) - setPlatformWindow:
(void) - setRepresentedFilename:
(void) - setRepresentedURL:
(void) - setResizeIndicatorOffset:
(void) - setShadowStyle:
(void) - setShowsResizeIndicator:
(void) - setTitle:
(void) - setTitleWithRepresentedFilename:
(void) - setToolbar:
(void) - setValue:forKey:
(void) - setWindowController:
(BOOL) - showsResizeIndicator
(unsigned) - styleMask
(CPString- title
(void) - toggleToolbarShown:
(CPToolbar- toolbar
(void) - undo:
(CPUndoManager- undoManager
(void) - unregisterDraggedTypes
(CPWindowController- windowController
(int) - windowNumber
- Instance Methods inherited from CPResponder
(BOOL) - becomeFirstResponder
(void) - cursorUpdate:
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(void) - flagsChanged:
(id) - initWithCoder:
(void) - insertBackTab:
(void) - insertLineBreak:
(void) - insertNewline:
(void) - insertTab:
(void) - insertText:
(void) - interpretKeyEvents:
(void) - keyUp:
(CPMenu- menu
(void) - mouseDown:
(void) - mouseDragged:
(void) - mouseEntered:
(void) - mouseExited:
(void) - mouseMoved:
(void) - mouseUp:
(CPResponder- nextResponder
(void) - noResponderFor:
(BOOL) - resignFirstResponder
(void) - rightMouseDown:
(void) - rightMouseUp:
(void) - scrollWheel:
(void) - setMenu:
(void) - setNextResponder:
(BOOL) - tryToPerform:with:
- Instance Methods inherited from CPObject
(void) - addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:
(void) - applyChange:toKeyPath:
(id) - autorelease
(id) - awakeAfterUsingCoder:
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(Class) - classForCoder
(Class) - classForKeyedArchiver
(CPString- className
(id) - copy
(void) - dealloc
(CPString- description
(CPDictionary- dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:
(void) - didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:
(void) - didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
(CPArray) - exposedBindings
(id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
(void) - forwardInvocation:
(unsigned) - hash
(BOOL) - implementsSelector:
(CPDictionary- infoForBinding:
(BOOL) - isEqual:
(BOOL) - isKindOfClass:
(BOOL) - isMemberOfClass:
(BOOL) - isProxy
(IMP) - methodForSelector:
(CPMethodSignature) - methodSignatureForSelector:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKey:
(id) - mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:
(id) - mutableCopy
(id) - mutableSetValueForKey:
(id) - mutableSetValueForKeyPath:
(id) - performSelector:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
(id) - performSelector:withObjects:
(void) - release
(void) - removeObserver:forKeyPath:
(id) - replacementObjectForArchiver:
(id) - replacementObjectForCoder:
(id) - replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver:
(BOOL) - respondsToSelector:
(id) - retain
(id) - self
(void) - setValue:forKeyPath:
(void) - setValue:forUndefinedKey:
(void) - setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:
(CPString- UID
(void) - unbind:
(Class) - valueClassForBinding:
(id) - valueForKey:
(id) - valueForKeyPath:
(id) - valueForUndefinedKey:
(void) - willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:
(void) - willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:

Class Methods

(void) + provideColorPickerClass:
(void) + setPickerMode:
(CPColorPanel+ sharedColorPanel
- Class Methods inherited from CPWindow
(BOOL) + constrainWindowsToUsableScreen
(CGRect) + frameRectForContentRect:styleMask:
(int) + globalResizeStyle
(void) + setConstrainWindowsToUsableScreen:
(void) + setGlobalResizeStyle:
- Class Methods inherited from CPObject
(BOOL) + accessInstanceVariablesDirectly
(id) + alloc
(id) + allocWithCoder:
(BOOL) + automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:
(void) + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:
(Class) + class
(BOOL) + conformsToProtocol:
(void) + exposeBinding:
(void) + initialize
(IMP) + instanceMethodForSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesImplementSelector:
(BOOL) + instancesRespondToSelector:
(BOOL) + isBindingExclusive:
(BOOL) + isSubclassOfClass:
(CPSet) + keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:
(void) + load
(id) + new
(void) + object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:
(void) + setVersion:
(Class) + superclass
(int) + version

Detailed Description

CPColorPanel provides a reusable panel that can be used displayed on screen to prompt the user for a color selection. To obtain the panel, call the +sharedColorPanel method.

Definition at line 2 of file CPColorPanel.h.

Method Documentation

◆ action()

- (selector) action

Returns the current target action.

Definition at line 215 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ color()

- (CPColor) color

Returns the panel's currently selected color.

Definition at line 174 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ init()

- (id) init

Initializes the receiver

the initialized receiver

Reimplemented from CPWindow.

Definition at line 115 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ mode()

- (CPColorPanelMode) mode

Returns the color panel's current display mode.

Definition at line 263 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ opacity()

- (float) opacity

Definition at line 179 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ orderFront:()

- (void) orderFront: (id)  aSender

Makes the receiver the front most window in the screen ordering.

aSenderthe object that requested this

Reimplemented from CPWindow.

Definition at line 268 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ provideColorPickerClass:()

+ (void) provideColorPickerClass: (Class)  aColorPickerSubclass

A list of color pickers is collected here, and any color panel created will contain any picker in this list up to this point. In other words, call before creating a color panel.

Definition at line 85 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setAction:()

- (void) setAction: (selector)  anAction

Sets the action that gets sent to the target. This action is sent whenever a color is selected in the panel.

anActionthe action that will be sent

Definition at line 207 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setColor:()

- (void) setColor: (CPColor aColor

Sets the color of the panel, and updates the picker. Also posts a CPColorPanelDidChangeNotification.

Definition at line 140 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setColor:updatePicker:()

- (void) setColor: (CPColor aColor
updatePicker: (BOOL)  bool 

Sets the selected color of the panel and optionally updates the picker.

boolwhether or not to update the picker

Definition at line 163 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setMode:()

- (void) setMode: (CPColorPanelMode)  mode

Sets the mode (look) of the color panel.

modethe mode in which to display the color panel

Definition at line 224 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setOpacity:()

- (void) setOpacity: (id)  sender

Definition at line 394 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setPickerMode:()

+ (void) setPickerMode: (CPColorPanelMode)  mode

Sets the mode for the shared color panel.

modethe mode to which the color panel will be set

Definition at line 105 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ setTarget:()

- (void) setTarget: (id)  aTarget

Sets the target for the color panel. Messages are sent to the target when colors are selected in the panel.

Definition at line 188 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ sharedColorPanel()

+ (CPColorPanel) sharedColorPanel

Returns (and if necessary, creates) the shared color panel.

Definition at line 93 of file CPColorPanel.j.

◆ target()

- (id) target

Returns the current target. The target receives messages when colors are selected in the panel.

Definition at line 197 of file CPColorPanel.j.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: