Inherited by CAAnimation, CALayer, CAMediaTimingFunction, CPAccordionViewItem, CPAlert, CPAnimation, CPAnimationContext, CPAppearance, CPAttributedString, CPBasePlatform, CPBasePlatformString, CPBezierPath, CPBinder, CPBundle, CPCache, CPCharacterSet, CPCib, CPCibConnector, CPCoder, CPColorPicker, CPColorSpace, CPController, CPControllerSelectionProxy, CPCookie, CPCursor, CPData, CPDate, CPDecimalNumberHandler, CPDelayedPerform, CPDictionary, CPDocumentController, CPDraggingInfo, CPDragServer, CPEnumerator, CPError, CPEvent, CPException, CPFlashMovie, CPFont, CPFontDescriptor, CPFontManager, CPFormatter, CPGradient, CPGraphicsContext, CPImage, CPIndexPath, CPIndexSet, CPInvocation, CPJSONPConnection, CPKeyBinding, CPLayoutManager, CPLocale, CPMenu, CPMenuItem, CPNinePartImage, CPNotification, CPNotificationCenter, CPNotificationQueue, CPNull, CPNumber, CPOperation, CPOperationQueue, CPParagraphStyle, CPPasteboard, CPPlatformWindow, CPPredicateEditorRowTemplate, CPPropertyListSerialization, CPRadioGroup, CPResponder, CPRunLoop, CPScanner, CPScreen, CPShadow, CPSortDescriptor, CPSound, CPString, CPTableColumn, CPTabViewItem, CPTextContainer, CPTextTab, CPTheme, CPThemeBlend, CPThreePartImage, CPTimer, CPTimeZone, CPToolbar, CPTrackingArea, CPTreeNode, CPTypesetter, CPUndoManager, CPURL, CPURLConnection, CPURLRequest, CPURLResponse, CPUserDefaults, CPUserDefaultsStore, CPUserNotification, CPUserNotificationCenter, CPUserSessionManager, CPValue, CPValueTransformer, CPWebDAVManager, CPWebScriptObject, and CPWorkspace.
Definition at line 103 of file CPObject.j.
◆ accessInstanceVariablesDirectly()
+ (BOOL) accessInstanceVariablesDirectly |
implementation |
◆ addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:()
- (void) addObserver: |
(id) |
anObserver |
forKeyPath: |
(CPString) |
aPath |
options: |
(CPKeyValueObservingOptions) |
options |
context: |
(id) |
aContext |
| |
implementation |
◆ alloc()
◆ allocWithCoder:()
+ (id) allocWithCoder: |
(CPCoder) |
aCoder |
implementation |
◆ applyChange:toKeyPath:()
◆ automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:()
+ (BOOL) automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
implementation |
Whether -willChangeValueForKey/-didChangeValueForKey should automatically be invoked when the setter of the given key is used. The default is YES. If you override this method to return NO for some key, you will need to call -willChangeValueForKey/-didChangeValueForKey manually to be KVO compliant.
The default implementation of this method will check if the receiving class implements + (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversOf<aKey>
and return the response of that method if it exists.
Reimplemented in CPObjectController.
Provided by category CPObject(KeyValueObserving).
Definition at line 157 of file CPKeyValueObserving.j.
◆ autorelease()
Does nothing.
- Returns
- the receiver
Definition at line 539 of file CPObject.j.
◆ awakeAfterUsingCoder:()
- (id) awakeAfterUsingCoder: |
(CPCoder) |
aCoder |
implementation |
Subclasses override this method to possibly substitute the unarchived object with another. This would be useful if your program utilizes a flyweight pattern. The method is called by CPCoder.
- Parameters
aCoder | the coder that contained the receiver's data |
Provided by category CPObject(CPCoding).
Definition at line 453 of file CPObject.j.
◆ awakeFromCib()
◆ bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:()
◆ cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:()
+ (void) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: |
(id) |
target |
implementation |
◆ cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:()
◆ class()
Returns the Class object for this class definition.
Returns the receiver's Class
Definition at line 179 of file CPObject.j.
◆ classForCoder()
Can be overridden by subclasses to substitute a different class to represent the receiver during coding.
- Returns
- the class to use for coding
Definition at line 471 of file CPObject.j.
◆ classForKeyedArchiver()
- (Class) classForKeyedArchiver |
implementation |
Can be overridden by subclasses to substitute a different class to represent the receiver for keyed archiving.
- Returns
- the class to use. A
means to ignore the method result.
Definition at line 462 of file CPObject.j.
◆ className()
Returns the class name
Definition at line 527 of file CPObject.j.
◆ conformsToProtocol:()
+ (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: |
(Protocol) |
aProtocol |
implementation |
Test whether instances of this class conforms to the provided protocol.
- Parameters
aProtocol | the protocol for which to test the class |
- Returns
if instances of the class conforms to the protocol
Tests whether the receiver conforms to the provided protocol.
- Parameters
protocol | the protocol for which to test the class |
- Returns
if instances of the class conforms to the protocol
Definition at line 306 of file CPObject.j.
◆ copy()
◆ dealloc()
Not necessary to call in Objective-J. Only exists for code compatibility.
Definition at line 171 of file CPObject.j.
◆ description()
Returns a human readable string describing the receiver
Reimplemented in CPString, CPDictionary, CPNumber, CPDate, CPURL, CPData, CPError, CPIndexPath, CPKeyBinding, CPImage, CPFont, CPMenuItem, CPEvent, CPAppearance, CPTableColumn, CPTimeZone, CPException, CPBundle, CPDecimalNumber, CPSortDescriptor, CPIndexSet, and CPScanner.
Definition at line 358 of file CPObject.j.
◆ dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:()
- (CPDictionary) dictionaryWithValuesForKeys: |
(CPArray) |
keys |
implementation |
◆ didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:()
- (void) didChange: |
(CPKeyValueChange) |
aChange |
valuesAtIndexes: |
(CPIndexSet) |
indexes |
forKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
| |
implementation |
◆ didChangeValueForKey:()
- (void) didChangeValueForKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:()
◆ doesNotRecognizeSelector:()
- (void) doesNotRecognizeSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Called by the Objective-J runtime when an object can't respond to a message. It's not recommended to call this method directly, unless you need your class to not support a method that it has inherited from a super class.
Definition at line 437 of file CPObject.j.
◆ exposeBinding:()
+ (void) exposeBinding: |
(CPString) |
aBinding |
implementation |
◆ exposedBindings()
- (CPArray) exposedBindings |
implementation |
◆ forwardingTargetForSelector:()
- (id) forwardingTargetForSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
◆ forwardInvocation:()
Subclasses can override this method to forward message to other objects. Overwriting this method in conjunction with -methodSignatureForSelector
: allows the receiver to forward messages for which it does not respond, to another object that does.
Definition at line 426 of file CPObject.j.
◆ hash()
Returns a hash for the object
Definition at line 547 of file CPObject.j.
◆ implementsSelector:()
- (BOOL) implementsSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Tests if the receiver implements the provided selector regardless of inheritance.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for which to test the receiver |
- Returns
if the receiver implements the selector
Definition at line 296 of file CPObject.j.
◆ infoForBinding:()
◆ init()
Initializes the receiver
- Returns
- the initialized receiver
Reimplemented in CPCharacterSet, CPURL, CPWindow, CPWebDAVManager, CPRadioGroup, CPRunLoop, CPUndoManager, CPAlert, CPImage, CPToolbar, CPDragServer, CPDocument, CPApplication, CPMenuItem, CPUserNotification, CPTextContainer, CPColorPanel, CPMenu, CPViewController, CPOperation, CPFontManager, CPFontPanel, CPPopover, CPNumberFormatter, CPTabViewItem, CPCache, CPDateFormatter, CPLayoutManager, CPSound, CPByteCountFormatter, CPWindowController, CPTableColumn, CPTextStorage, CPUserNotificationCenter, CPArrayController, CPBezierPath, CPObjectController, CPURLRequest, CPParagraphStyle, CPAttributedString, CPNotificationCenter, CPPlatformWindow, CPNotification, CPDecimalNumberHandler, CPDecimalNumber, CPUserSessionManager, CPDocumentController, CPIndexSet, CPAccordionViewItem, CPDictionaryController, CPSavePanel, CPOperationQueue, CAAnimation, CPController, CABasicAnimation, CPAnimationContext, CAPropertyAnimation, CAKeyframeAnimation, CPFunctionOperation, and CPInvocationOperation.
Definition at line 145 of file CPObject.j.
◆ initialize()
Reimplemented in CPRadioGroup, CPRunLoop, CPValueTransformer, CPKeyBinding, CPToolbar, CPDragServer, CPFont, CPKeyedArchiver, CPKeyedUnarchiver, CPMenu, CPViewController, CPDateFormatter, CPPasteboard, CPTimeZone, CPArrayController, CPObjectController, CPCursor, CPTypesetter, and CPString.
Definition at line 113 of file CPObject.j.
◆ instanceMethodForSelector:()
+ (IMP) instanceMethodForSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Returns the implementation of the receiving class' method for the provided selector.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for the class method to return |
- Returns
- the method implementation ( a function )
Definition at line 338 of file CPObject.j.
◆ instancesImplementSelector:()
+ (BOOL) instancesImplementSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Tests if instances of a given class implement the provided selector regardless of inheritance.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for which to test the class |
- Returns
if instances of the class implement the selector
Definition at line 279 of file CPObject.j.
◆ instancesRespondToSelector:()
+ (BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Test whether instances of this class respond to the provided selector.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for which to test the class |
- Returns
if instances of the class respond to the selector
Definition at line 258 of file CPObject.j.
◆ isBindingExclusive:()
+ (BOOL) isBindingExclusive: |
(CPString) |
aBinding |
implementation |
◆ isEqual:()
- (BOOL) isEqual: |
(id) |
anObject |
implementation |
◆ isKindOfClass:()
- (BOOL) isKindOfClass: |
(Class) |
aClass |
implementation |
Returns YES
if the receiver is a aClass
type, or a subtype of it.
- Parameters
aClass | the class to test as the receiver's class or super class. |
Definition at line 219 of file CPObject.j.
◆ isMemberOfClass:()
- (BOOL) isMemberOfClass: |
(Class) |
aClass |
implementation |
Returns YES
if the receiver is of the aClass
class type.
- Parameters
aClass | the class to test the receiver |
Definition at line 233 of file CPObject.j.
◆ isProxy()
Determines whether the receiver's root object is a proxy.
- Returns
if the root object is a proxy
Definition at line 247 of file CPObject.j.
◆ isSubclassOfClass:()
+ (BOOL) isSubclassOfClass: |
(Class) |
aClass |
implementation |
Returns YES
if the receiving class is a subclass of aClass
- Parameters
aClass | the class to test inheritance from |
Definition at line 204 of file CPObject.j.
◆ keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:()
+ (CPSet) keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ load()
◆ methodForSelector:()
- (IMP) methodForSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Returns the implementation of the receiver's method for the provided selector.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for the method to return |
- Returns
- the method implementation ( a function )
Definition at line 328 of file CPObject.j.
◆ methodSignatureForSelector:()
- (CPMethodSignature) methodSignatureForSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Returns the method signature for the provided selector.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for which to find the method signature |
- Returns
- the selector's method signature
Definition at line 348 of file CPObject.j.
◆ mutableArrayValueForKey:()
- (id) mutableArrayValueForKey: |
(id) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:()
- (id) mutableArrayValueForKeyPath: |
(id) |
aKeyPath |
implementation |
◆ mutableCopy()
Creates a deep mutable copy of the receiver.
- Returns
- the mutable copy of the receiver
Reimplemented in CPMenuItem, and CPIndexSet.
Definition at line 163 of file CPObject.j.
◆ mutableSetValueForKey:()
- (id) mutableSetValueForKey: |
(id) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ mutableSetValueForKeyPath:()
- (id) mutableSetValueForKeyPath: |
(id) |
aKeyPath |
implementation |
◆ new()
Allocates a new instance of the receiver, and sends it an -init
- Returns
- the new object
Definition at line 122 of file CPObject.j.
◆ object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:()
+ (void) object: |
(id) |
object |
performSelector: |
(SEL) |
selector |
withObject: |
(id) |
argument |
afterDelay: |
(CPTimeInterval) |
delay |
inModes: |
(CPArray) |
modes |
| |
implementation |
◆ performSelector:()
- (id) performSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Sends the specified message to the receiver.
- Parameters
aSelector | the message to send |
- Returns
- the return value of the message
Definition at line 374 of file CPObject.j.
◆ performSelector:withObject:()
Sends the specified message to the receiver, with one argument.
- Parameters
aSelector | the message to send |
anObject | the message argument |
- Returns
- the return value of the message
Definition at line 385 of file CPObject.j.
◆ performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:()
- (void) performSelector: |
(SEL) |
selector |
withObject: |
(id) |
object |
afterDelay: |
(CPTimeInterval) |
delay |
| |
implementation |
◆ performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:()
- (void) performSelector: |
(SEL) |
selector |
withObject: |
(id) |
object |
afterDelay: |
(CPTimeInterval) |
delay |
inModes: |
(CPArray) |
modes |
| |
implementation |
◆ performSelector:withObject:withObject:()
- (id) performSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
withObject: |
(id) |
anObject |
withObject: |
(id) |
anotherObject |
| |
implementation |
Sends the specified message to the receiver, with two arguments.
- Parameters
aSelector | the message to send |
anObject | the first message argument |
anotherObject | the second message argument |
- Returns
- the return value of the message
Definition at line 397 of file CPObject.j.
◆ performSelector:withObjects:()
Sends the specified message to the reciever, with any number of arguments.
- Parameters
aSelector | the message to send |
anObject... | comma seperated objects to pass to the selector |
- Returns
- the return value of the message
Definition at line 408 of file CPObject.j.
◆ release()
◆ removeObserver:forKeyPath:()
- (void) removeObserver: |
(id) |
anObserver |
forKeyPath: |
(CPString) |
aPath |
| |
implementation |
◆ replacementObjectForArchiver:()
- (id) replacementObjectForArchiver: |
(CPArchiver) |
anArchiver |
implementation |
Can be overridden by subclasses to substitute another object during archiving.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the object to archive
Definition at line 481 of file CPObject.j.
◆ replacementObjectForCoder:()
- (id) replacementObjectForCoder: |
(CPCoder) |
aCoder |
implementation |
Can be overridden by subclasses to substitute another object during coding.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the object to code
Definition at line 501 of file CPObject.j.
◆ replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver:()
Can be overridden by subclasses to substitute another object during keyed archiving.
- Parameters
anArchive | the keyed archiver |
- Returns
- the object to archive
Definition at line 491 of file CPObject.j.
◆ respondsToSelector:()
- (BOOL) respondsToSelector: |
(SEL) |
aSelector |
implementation |
Tests whether the receiver responds to the provided selector.
- Parameters
aSelector | the selector for which to test the receiver |
- Returns
if the receiver responds to the selector
Definition at line 268 of file CPObject.j.
◆ retain()
Does nothing.
- Returns
- the receiver
Definition at line 573 of file CPObject.j.
◆ self()
◆ setValue:forKey:()
- (void) setValue: |
(id) |
aValue |
forKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
| |
implementation |
◆ setValue:forKeyPath:()
- (void) setValue: |
(id) |
aValue |
forKeyPath: |
(CPString) |
aKeyPath |
| |
implementation |
◆ setValue:forUndefinedKey:()
- (void) setValue: |
(id) |
aValue |
forUndefinedKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
| |
implementation |
◆ setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:()
- (void) setValuesForKeysWithDictionary: |
(CPDictionary) |
keyedValues |
implementation |
◆ setVersion:()
+ (void) setVersion: |
(int) |
aVersion |
implementation |
Sets the class version number.
- Parameters
the | new version number for the class |
Definition at line 510 of file CPObject.j.
◆ superclass()
Returns the class object super class
Returns the receiver's super class.
Definition at line 195 of file CPObject.j.
◆ UID()
◆ unbind:()
◆ valueClassForBinding:()
- (Class) valueClassForBinding: |
(CPString) |
binding |
implementation |
◆ valueForKey:()
◆ valueForKeyPath:()
- (id) valueForKeyPath: |
(CPString) |
aKeyPath |
implementation |
◆ valueForUndefinedKey:()
- (id) valueForUndefinedKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ version()
Returns the class version number.
Definition at line 518 of file CPObject.j.
◆ willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:()
- (void) willChange: |
(CPKeyValueChange) |
aChange |
valuesAtIndexes: |
(CPIndexSet) |
indexes |
forKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
| |
implementation |
◆ willChangeValueForKey:()
- (void) willChangeValueForKey: |
(CPString) |
aKey |
implementation |
◆ willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:()
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: