#import <CPLayoutManager.h>
Definition at line 2 of file CPLayoutManager.h.
◆ addTemporaryAttributes:forCharacterRange:()
- (void) addTemporaryAttributes: |
(CPDictionary) |
attributes |
forCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
charRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ addTextContainer:()
◆ boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer:()
- (CGRect) boundingRectForGlyphRange: |
(CGRange) |
aRange |
inTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
container |
| |
implementation |
◆ characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex:()
- (unsigned) characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
index |
implementation |
◆ characterRangeForGlyphRange:actualGlyphRange:()
- (CPRange) characterRangeForGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
aRange |
actualGlyphRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
actualRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ drawBackgroundForGlyphRange:atPoint:()
- (void) drawBackgroundForGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
aRange |
atPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
aPoint |
| |
implementation |
◆ drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:atPoint:()
- (void) drawGlyphsForGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
aRange |
atPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
aPoint |
| |
implementation |
◆ drawUnderlineForGlyphRange:underlineType:baselineOffset:lineFragmentRect:lineFragmentGlyphRange:containerOrigin:()
- (void) drawUnderlineForGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
glyphRange |
underlineType: |
(int) |
underlineVal |
baselineOffset: |
(float) |
baselineOffset |
lineFragmentRect: |
(CGRect) |
lineFragmentRect |
lineFragmentGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
lineGlyphRange |
containerOrigin: |
(CGPoint) |
containerOrigin |
| |
implementation |
◆ encodeWithCoder:()
- (void) encodeWithCoder: |
(CPCoder) |
aCoder |
implementation |
◆ extraLineFragmentRect()
- (CGRect) extraLineFragmentRect |
implementation |
◆ extraLineFragmentTextContainer()
◆ extraLineFragmentUsedRect()
- (CGRect) extraLineFragmentUsedRect |
implementation |
◆ firstTextView()
◆ glyphIndexForPoint:inTextContainer:()
- (unsigned) glyphIndexForPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
point |
inTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
container |
| |
implementation |
◆ glyphIndexForPoint:inTextContainer:fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph:()
- (unsigned) glyphIndexForPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
point |
inTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
container |
fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph: |
(FloatArray) |
partialFraction |
| |
implementation |
◆ glyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:()
- (CPRange) glyphRangeForBoundingRect: |
(CGRect) |
aRect |
inTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
container |
| |
implementation |
◆ glyphRangeForTextContainer:()
◆ init()
◆ initWithCoder:()
- (id) initWithCoder: |
(CPCoder) |
aCoder |
implementation |
◆ insertTextContainer:atIndex:()
- (void) insertTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
aContainer |
atIndex: |
(int) |
index |
| |
implementation |
◆ invalidateDisplayForGlyphRange:()
- (void) invalidateDisplayForGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
range |
implementation |
◆ invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange:isSoft:actualCharacterRange:()
- (void) invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
aRange |
isSoft: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
actualCharacterRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
actualCharRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow:()
- (BOOL) layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow: |
(CPWindow) |
aWindow |
implementation |
◆ lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:()
- (CGRect) lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
glyphIndex |
effectiveRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
effectiveGlyphRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:()
- (CGRect) lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
glyphIndex |
effectiveRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
effectiveGlyphRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ locationForGlyphAtIndex:()
- (CGPoint) locationForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
index |
implementation |
◆ numberOfCharacters()
- (int) numberOfCharacters |
implementation |
◆ numberOfGlyphs()
◆ rectArrayForCharacterRange:withinSelectedCharacterRange:inTextContainer:rectCount:()
- (CPArray) rectArrayForCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
charRange |
withinSelectedCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
selectedCharRange |
inTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
container |
rectCount: |
(CGRectPointer) |
rectCount |
| |
implementation |
◆ removeTemporaryAttribute:forCharacterRange:()
- (void) removeTemporaryAttribute: |
(CPString) |
attributeName |
forCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
charRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ removeTextContainerAtIndex:()
- (void) removeTextContainerAtIndex: |
(int) |
index |
implementation |
◆ setExtraLineFragmentRect:usedRect:textContainer:()
- (void) setExtraLineFragmentRect: |
(CGRect) |
rect |
usedRect: |
(CGRect) |
usedRect |
textContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
textContainer |
| |
implementation |
◆ setLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:()
- (void) setLineFragmentRect: |
(CGRect) |
fragmentRect |
forGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
glyphRange |
usedRect: |
(CGRect) |
usedRect |
| |
implementation |
◆ setLocation:forStartOfGlyphRange:()
- (void) setLocation: |
(CGPoint) |
aPoint |
forStartOfGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
glyphRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ setTemporaryAttributes:forCharacterRange:()
- (void) setTemporaryAttributes: |
(CPDictionary) |
attributes |
forCharacterRange: |
(CPRange) |
charRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ setTextContainer:forGlyphRange:()
- (void) setTextContainer: |
(CPTextContainer) |
aTextContainer |
forGlyphRange: |
(CPRange) |
glyphRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex:effectiveRange:()
- (CPDictionary) temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex: |
(unsigned) |
index |
effectiveRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
effectiveRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ textContainerChangedTextView:()
◆ textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:()
- (CPTextContainer) textContainerForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
index |
effectiveRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
effectiveGlyphRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ textContainerForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:withoutAdditionalLayout:()
- (CPTextContainer) textContainerForGlyphAtIndex: |
(unsigned) |
index |
effectiveRange: |
(CPRangePointer) |
effectiveGlyphRange |
withoutAdditionalLayout: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
| |
implementation |
◆ textStorage:edited:range:changeInLength:invalidatedRange:()
- (void) textStorage: |
(CPTextStorage) |
textStorage |
edited: |
(unsigned) |
mask |
range: |
(CPRange) |
charRange |
changeInLength: |
(int) |
delta |
invalidatedRange: |
(CPRange) |
invalidatedRange |
| |
implementation |
◆ textViewForBeginningOfSelection()
◆ usedRectForTextContainer:()
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