#import <CPPasteboard.h>
Class Methods | |
(id) | + generalPasteboard |
(void) | + initialize |
(id) | + pasteboardWithName: |
![]() | |
(BOOL) | + accessInstanceVariablesDirectly |
(id) | + alloc |
(id) | + allocWithCoder: |
(BOOL) | + automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey: |
(void) | + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: |
(void) | + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object: |
(Class) | + class |
(BOOL) | + conformsToProtocol: |
(void) | + exposeBinding: |
(IMP) | + instanceMethodForSelector: |
(BOOL) | + instancesImplementSelector: |
(BOOL) | + instancesRespondToSelector: |
(BOOL) | + isBindingExclusive: |
(BOOL) | + isSubclassOfClass: |
(CPSet) | + keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: |
(void) | + load |
(id) | + new |
(void) | + object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes: |
(void) | + setVersion: |
(Class) | + superclass |
(int) | + version |
CPPasteBoard is the object responsible for cut/copy/paste and drag&drop operations.
Definition at line 2 of file CPPasteboard.h.
implementation |
Adds supported data types to the pasteboard
types | the data types |
anOwner | the object that contains the data types |
Definition at line 131 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Checks the pasteboard's types for a match with the types listed in the specified array. The array should be ordered by the requestor's most preferred data type first.
anArray | an array of requested types ordered by preference |
if no match was found Definition at line 224 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Returns the number of changes that have occurred to this pasteboard
Definition at line 241 of file CPPasteboard.j.
Returns the pasteboard data for the specified data type
aType | the requested data type |
if the data doesn't exist Definition at line 251 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Sets the data types that this pasteboard will contain.
type | the data types it will support |
anOwner | the object that contains the the data |
Definition at line 158 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Returns a new instance of a pasteboard
Definition at line 83 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Reimplemented from CPObject.
Definition at line 70 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Returns a pasteboard with the specified name. If the pasteboard doesn't exist, it will be created.
aName | the name of the pasteboard |
Definition at line 93 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Returns the property list for the specified data type
aType | the requested data type |
if the list was not found Definition at line 277 of file CPPasteboard.j.
Sets the pasteboard data for the specified type
aData | the data |
aType | the data type being set |
if the data was successfully written to the pasteboard Definition at line 181 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Writes the specified property list as data for the specified type
aPropertyList | the property list to write |
aType | the data type |
if the property list was successfully written to the pasteboard Definition at line 197 of file CPPasteboard.j.
Sets the specified string as data for the specified type
aString | the string to write |
aType | the data type |
if the string was successfully written to the pasteboard Definition at line 208 of file CPPasteboard.j.
Returns the string for the specified data type
aType | the requested data type |
if the string was not found Definition at line 292 of file CPPasteboard.j.
implementation |
Returns the pasteboards supported types
Definition at line 232 of file CPPasteboard.j.