#import <CPUserDefaultsController.h>
Class Methods | |
(id) | + sharedUserDefaultsController |
![]() | |
(BOOL) | + accessInstanceVariablesDirectly |
(id) | + alloc |
(id) | + allocWithCoder: |
(BOOL) | + automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey: |
(void) | + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: |
(void) | + cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object: |
(Class) | + class |
(BOOL) | + conformsToProtocol: |
(void) | + exposeBinding: |
(void) | + initialize |
(IMP) | + instanceMethodForSelector: |
(BOOL) | + instancesImplementSelector: |
(BOOL) | + instancesRespondToSelector: |
(BOOL) | + isBindingExclusive: |
(BOOL) | + isSubclassOfClass: |
(CPSet) | + keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: |
(void) | + load |
(id) | + new |
(void) | + object:performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes: |
(void) | + setVersion: |
(Class) | + superclass |
(int) | + version |
Definition at line 2 of file CPUserDefaultsController.h.
implementation |
Synthesized accessor method.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPSynthesizedAccessors).
Definition at line 300 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Synthesized accessor method.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPSynthesizedAccessors).
Definition at line 276 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Reimplemented from CPController.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPCoding).
Definition at line 112 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 70 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Synthesized accessor method.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPSynthesizedAccessors).
Definition at line 284 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Reimplemented from CPController.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPCoding).
Definition at line 97 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 49 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 80 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 85 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 75 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Synthesized accessor method.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPSynthesizedAccessors).
Definition at line 308 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Synthesized accessor method.
Provided by category CPUserDefaultsController(CPSynthesizedAccessors).
Definition at line 292 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 41 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.
implementation |
Definition at line 65 of file CPUserDefaultsController.j.